
Master of Science (Tech)


Tampere University
Master's Thesis: Towards Smart Building - Utilizing sensor data and building information model in a multi-purpose environment
1st Major: Information management and systems
2nd Major: Information analytics

Bachelor of Science (Tech)


Tampere University of Technology
Bachelor's Thesis: Data Analytics in Accordance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation
Major: Information and Knowledge Management
Minor: Software systems

Secondary School Graduate


Parolan Lukio


Data Engineer

2021 -

Solita Oy

Software Development Lead

2020 - 2021

Seravo Oy
Designing software, strategic planning, team leading. Also, the same stuff as Network Service Specialist (see below).

Course Assistant, Master's Thesis Worker

2019 - 2020

Tampere University
Working as a course assistant on courses: Basics for Business Data Analytics and Ohjelmallinen sisällönhallinta (Programmatic Content Management).

Network Service Specialist

2017 - 2020

Seravo Oy
Developing internal tools, solving customers' technical problems, customer service, data analytics, cheering people up.

Conscientious Man


The Summer University of Tampere
Working as a course assistant and assisting staff with IT problems.

IT Skills



Python is my go-to language after Finnish and English. I am familiar with the following libraries: numpy, scipy, pandas, scikit-learn, keras, matplotlib, reguests, beautifulsoup3, django and flask among others. I have used Python on courses, in my job and with my hobby projects.



I started using R on a class of statistics. Lately, I have been learning tidyverse (especially dplyer and ggplot2). I also have writed some of my hobby data science documents in Rmarkdown.



Ruby is my main language at my current job at Seravo. I know the basics of the language and have a love-hate relationship with it.



I have used C++ mostly on university courses. For example, Data Structures and Algorithms -course was done using C++, which was very fun!



I have used Matlab on several mathematics, signal processing and machine learning courses.



I have tried to learn Haskell on my free time just because it’s hard. Lately, I attended a course of Functional Programming, which involved programming with Haskell. I think that Haskell is fun and challenging.



Since I am working in a company, which hosts WordPress servers, I obviously know PHP. It is not my favourite nor my strength, but I know how to write simple programs and modify existing code.



I know the basic syntax of SQL. I have used SQL on courses and in my job. I will gladly write complex JOINs, but I am not the master of SQL yet.



These are not particularly my expertise, but I think that every programmer should no some HTML, CSS and Javascript. I confont problems with these in my job, since I occasionally solve problems with websites.



I can get my way around React and honestly I like React. Currently trying to understand Redux and Thunk.



I managed to do one hobby project with Vue.js. It seems quite simple, but I now that there is more to that iceberg.

Apache Airflow


I have built [Spotify pipeline with Apache Airflow]( in order to test Apache Airflow in practice. It seems fun, but I believe that in most situations cloud solutions will be the better bet.



I can orchestrate, administrate and do all kinds of stuff with EC2 instances. I would like to learn more about the GPU instances.

AWS Glue

I started studying this, but unfortunately did not have the time. It does not seem hard, because of my prior knowledge about ETL and Spark.



There's really not much to learn about S3. I know what it is and what it does. Access control is something that I would like to strengthen my abilities with.



I know my way around docker and docker compose. Next up: k8s!



I am quite a git fanatic. I have used git on courses, in my job and with my hobby projects. I am familiar with different version control workflows. I also know how to work with branches, rebases and merges and I do not panic if something goes wrong.



I have used mainly Linux on my laptops since 2009. I know how to work on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and CentOS (RedHat) -based systems. In my current job at Seravo, I have participated in administrating clusters of Linux servers.

Apache Spark


I can create a Spark cluster and run DataFrame transformations, analysis and machine learning. I have worked with Scala, but I strongly believe that PySpark won't be a problem. Streaming would be cool to learn.